A two-part immersion for you to indulge in the ancient yet futuristic forward wisdom of Venus

Does your nervous system need a little reset?

Do you want to bathe in the healing frequencies of Venus Sophia?

Does your body long for more peace amidst all the astrological intensity?

Do you long to learn more about Venus Astrology?

We gathered on the new and peak Venusian Rose Gateway, to bring you this offering.

If you are wondering what the Venusian Rose Cycle is or what a Venusian Rose Gateway or Node of Venus is, Shona will share all this in part two of the immersion.

Venus has been instructing Shona for years to gather in this way to share the sweetness of sisterhood sound on the New Venusian Rose Gateway and in the ancient futuristic, forward wisdom on the Peak Venusian Rose Gateway.

She has found this to be the most feminine yet effective way to share these sacred teachings.

Sound & Astrology Two Part Immersion

Part One & Two

2 for 1 Bundle

In the first part of the immersion, wherever you can be, breathe, and receive the transmission into your body.

Shona will share a channeled language Venus has told her is heart-fire. It’s one of the most graceful and easy ways for the mind to soften and surrender to the heart.

She likes to call this a Sophianic Sound Healing Transmission.

In the second part of the immersion, Shona will share The Venusian Rose Cycle and how you can work with her pulse to process and heal any disconnects you have to yourself or your lineage—creating more spaciousness for you to align more deeply with your inner feminine and her intuitive whispers.

Shona will provide some digraphs to support you in visualizing and understanding this ancient cycle that can profoundly support us in creating a better future for our children.

*You will have life time access to these recordings.

You Will Receive

  • Life Time Access to both Part 1 &2 recordings
  • Venus Cycle & Feminine Phases Chart Download
  • 5 Star Points of Venus Chart Download
  • How to Find Your Unique Venus Start Point Download

$66 Bundle

Shona Keeli

Shona is the founder The Rose Lineage Mystery School, A Mystery School for The Venusian Rose Temple Arts; She is a Mother Priestess, Rose Empress Initiator, and Gifted Womb Oracle. Shona is present in this time of awakening to support the budding, blossoming, and blooming of the divine feminine expression and exploration of the inner power through The Trinity of the Holy Grail. The sacred heart, the holy womb center, and the yoni ( vagina ) – these three spaces are the birthplace of all creation, and they carry the most pristine untapped erotic energy available to women. By supporting women to remember how to practice and embody supreme self-love, thus opening the temple gates for a magical manifestation of the most pleasurable and authentic life.

She is here to support women awaken to the throne of their inner Queendom. Shona is a light bearer and energetic midwife to the wave of Rose Consciousness, that The Sophia Christ healing is bringing back to the planet at this time. Holding an impeccable space for exquisite hands-on healings, supporting women to surrender into self-love, and revelation, she assists the rebirthing of women ready to become a natural authority of their body wisdom to access their fullest, creative and magnetic potential. Her wisdom is drawn from ancient womb religions and practices spanning thousands of years including Lemurian, Gnostic, Egyptian, Mayan, and Tantric traditions.

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